A Spot Light on FlashSonar and Brain Science

How blind people use batlike sonar

Science News - November 11, 2014
By Emily Underwood

"Blind from infancy due to retinal cancer, Daniel Kish learned as a young boy to judge his height while climbing trees by making rapid clicking noises and listening for their echoes off the ground. No one taught him the technique, which is now recognized as a human form of echolocation. “He just used it, without knowing that he behaved like a bat,” says Lutz Wiegrebe, a neurobiologist at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany."

Brain on Sonar; Blind people find their way

Brain Games - October 9, 2011
National Geographic TV

Daniel Provides demonstration and exposé on how blind humans learn to use FlashSonar to get around any environment. Studies are conducted in Prof. Cynthia Mosses Laboratory. Here are more National Geographic pieces show-casing our work.

Ben Underwood and Daniel Kish

Amazing Medical Stories, The Nine Network - November, 2007

Provides scientific basis for Ben and Daniel's echolocation abilities. Good glimpse into Ben's daily life, and his inspiring effect on his peers and teachers. More articles about Ben can be found on our General News and Students and Partners Report pages. Here's more about our work with Ben, and a tribute to his memory.

World of Illusions

BBC: Horizon - October, 2010

This short video segment features Daniel Kish's demonstration of bicycling with FlashSonar, and his work with scientists to study the brain's FlashSonar imaging system. Includes an interview with Prof. Dr. Lutz Wiegrebe from Neural studies at the University of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München). Also includes videos of MRI brain scans.

Echolocation allows blind to 'see' using sound

CTV News
By Elizabeth St. Philip

Like a Bat, Blind Man Uses Sound to 'See'

ABC News

Echolocation: Daniel Kish

CBC Radio, The Current

A half hour in studio interview with Daniel Kish, includes his responses to various audio clips played to him of other interviews about the study and echolocation.

Blind 'batman' teaches others to see

Toronto Sun - June, 2011

A good personal and professional exposé of Daniel Kish and our work.

Seeing by Ear: Canadian study maps brains of blind echolocators

EUROTIMES - December, 2011
by Pipba Wysong

This article covers the science behind the Canadian brain study, through interviews with Daniel Kish, Prof. Mel Goodell, and Professor Emeritus Gordon Dutton.

Seeing through sound: How a tongue click gave one man independence

Western News - May, 2011

ECHOLOCATION: The man who sees with no eyes envisions new freedoms for the blind

The Globe and Mail, Science Report

How I was blindfolded – then tried to 'see' like a bat

Science, News - The Independent

Blind people echolocate with visual part of brain

Technology & Science - CBC News

'I can hear a building over there:' Blind echolocation experts use 'visual' part of their brain to process the clicks and echoes

Science Daily - May, 2011

The brain on sonar – how blind people find their way around with echoes

Discover Magazine - May, 2011

Blind People May Be Able to Use Echoes to Identify Objects: Echolocation uses 'visual' part of brain to process sound, navigate surroundings, study finds

U.S. News and World Report - May, 2011

Echolocation in Humans

The Wall Street Journal - May, 2011

Medical marvel

The Barrie Examiner - June, 2011

Compilation of Links to More Articles

NewsPlurk: United States News & Search Aggregator - May, 2011

Echolocation Helps Blind People Navigate Everyday Life

Healthymagination - August, 2011

Daniel Kish and activating neural hardware

epilepsy straight from the head - August 7, 2013
by neuropickings

Comments about the relationship between the work in activating neural plasticity of World Access for the Blind and addressing epilepsy, with video links.

Brain Scan Studies and Perspectives in Neural Science

Includes articles about how the brain processes advanced echolocation. General findings illustrate the primary role of the visual cortex in echo perception and construction of mental images. Includes several papers co-authored by Daniel Kish.

Week in Ideas: The Senses, Just a Click Away

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) - May 28, 2011
By Christopher Shea

"Researchers have confirmed that some blind people are able to "echolocate"—that is, to track objects near them by making clicks and interpreting the echoes, much as dolphins and bats do. They also identified the part of the brain that facilitates this."